The Raw Materials

Preparing the surfaces to print and draw off is all part of the process of making work. Thinking about the kind of mark making, the desired ink on paper effect - all these things come down to what the substrate is that the print is taken from. I love to work into copper as it is long lasting under pressure - the burrs and lines don’t wear down too quickly. Some of these plates were cut into shapes with tin snips and a jewellery saw. Wood has a lovely grainy and organic feel which is just right for other applications. One set of boards I coated with a silverpoint paint preparation, this ground enabled me to draw onto the white board with pieces of silver, a centuries-old technique - more on that soon. I particularly liked the soft grey marks it made which was reminiscent of some of the lines I have been seeing on the old maps of the region. Here is a small selection of the plates, blocks and boards I have been preparing.